SLO County Homes – Flat-fee buyer and listing services
Unrepresented buyers can view properties with listing agents or attend open houses. However, the listing agent represents the seller, not the buyer. During such viewings, the agent is working to benefit the seller, and communication with the agent isn’t confidential. Ask the listing agent that you want to use CAR Form OHNA-SI. This is a disclosure form stating that the listing agent that’s showing you the home does NOT represent you. You want to make sure the listing agent agrees that they are not representing you.
It’s going to take some time for everyone to get up-to-speed on the new “post-settlement” era of real estate. I’ve heard listing agents are telling unrepresented buyers that they a required to sign an agreement before they can show you their listing. This is not true. The listing agent is working for the seller when they show the home, not the unrepresented buyer.
This is the time frame during which the broker represents the buyer for specified property types. For example, if you agree to a 3-month representation period for single-family homes in San Luis Obispo, the broker will represent you for that duration.
After the Buyer Agreement is terminated (expired or canceled), the Continuation Period dictates how long the broker is entitled to commission for properties they were involved with. This is usually negotiated and specified in the Buyer Representation Agreement (e.g., 30, 60, or 90 days). During this period, if you purchase a property that the broker was involved with, you might owe a commission to the broker even after the agreement has ended. The broker must provide a list of broker-involved properties to the buyer within 5 days of termination.
This allows buyers to work with multiple agents and is less restrictive when working with a single agent. The broker who was involved in the transaction gets the commission. This type of agreement is flexible and can be terminated immediately or as agreed upon by the buyer and agent.
The buyer commits to working only with one broker. Any property the buyer purchases the agent gets commission, whether or not they were involved with the property. When the buyer submits a notice of termination, there is a 30-day wait before termination takes effect. If the buyer signs a new agreement with another agent before the 30 days are up, the buyer may be liable for multiple commissions.
We begin scheduling and touring properties with the buyer, help find the buyer the right home, negotiate the best price for the buyer, attend inspections, and manage the transaction until escrow closes.