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Newspaper Ads 1979 (vol 1)

These are ads from the Mustang Daily (Cal Poly’s newspaper) from Fall 1979.

Taco Works started as a restaurant on Foothill Blvd and served their yummy tortilla chips. I loved their seasoning. If I remember flavors from that far back, I feel they reduced the amount of spices on the chips with what they sell as “Original”.  But, if you buy the “Salsa” chip bag, it has more seasoning and reminds me of the original chips. Not all stores carry the Salsa chip bag. I buy them at Von’s.

Kinko’s was the place to make copies. Some Poly professors started writing their own class textbooks and you had to go to Kinko’s to buy them. 

Audio Ecstasy was a higher-end stereo store. I don’t remember them on Garden St.  They must have moved to Higuera (close to Chorro) as that’s were I remember them being.

Cal Poly had concerts in the gym I’d guess 3-4 times a school year (maybe more?). The Knack had recently come out with My Sharona.  Weird Al was attending Poly at the time and recorded his first hit “My Bologna” in the restroom across from KCPR, which was on the second floor of the graphics building.  They had cables running from the production room to the restroom.