SLO County Homes -$9,900 Flat-fee Listing Service

Upcoming Open Houses

The following links will display upcoming open houses in the city you choose.  We have a direct data feed to the MLS. A listing agent can post an Open House on the MLS listing for free and it will appear on the city pages below.

(Note: We are aware of a bug that displays some open houses that have already happened.  Click on the time at the top of the thumbnail photo and it will display the date/time.  Also, if you click on the listing detail and it doesn’t display an Open House schedule, then the Open House has already happened.  Sorry for the inconvenience. We’re working on fixing the problem. -Keith)

The Open House Searches sort by newest listings on the market displayed at the top.

Do unrepresented buyers need to sign a buyer representation agreement with the listing brokerage in order to see the Open House? Answered here!

You can bookmark the open house page for a city. When you click on it to return, it will be updated with the latest MLS open house data. Nice!